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Three save 1/3 activities to do with friends


Where would we be without our friends? They keep us grounded, celebrate our small wins and brighten our days. Especially in unusual times like these, we’ve come to appreciate our support systems even more. As we look forward to International Friendship Day later this month, let’s invite our nearest and dearest into another part of our lives, our save 1/3 journey.

Instead of your usual hangout activity, why not try something new that’s also Earth-friendly? It’s time well spent for your friendship and the planet. Remember that small, consistent actions all contribute to a healthier future. It’s a continuous process of finding what works for you, learning as you go and having fun while you’re at it!

Here are three activities to get the ball rolling:

1. Save 1/3 movie night

Grab your friends, get comfortable and put on some binge-worthy edutainment. Netflix has a host of food shows and documentaries like Kiss the Ground that are not only cinematic but also highly informative. Of course, the rest of the internet has nuggets of wisdom to offer in the matter of sustainable food habits. Check out our favorite save 1/3 related content online here.

2. Volunteer at a food bank

If you and your friends are able to commit more time and effort, volunteering at a local food bank is sure to be a rewarding experience. These organisations collect excess food, which would have otherwise gone to waste, and share the donations with less fortunate households either directly or through partner organisations such as soup kitchens and old folks’ homes. Seeing this process firsthand puts into context the problem of food waste and how you and your friends can be part of the solution.

3. Sign up for a food-sharing app

So much of our social interactions happen around food. Whipping up a meal with friends? Take the opportunity to save 1/3 by using a food-sharing app like Olio to get your last ingredients for your recipes. If you find yourselves with excess produce, pay it forward by donating to someone who needs it via the app.

While you’re at it, we encourage you to share about your experience online to help raise awareness and inspire others to start their journey too. You and your friends will set an example of how fun it can be to explore new ways to save 1/3. Share your thoughts on social media using the Save 1/3 assets here. If you know someone who prefers bite-sized updates straight to their inbox, forward the Save 1/3 newsletter for their reading pleasure. You can also take active steps towards a more sustainable lifestyle by joining the Save 1/3 movement and taking the pledge here.

When it comes to fighting food waste, the more, the merrier definitely applies. Grab your mates and try something new for a healthy people and planet. Which of these will you try?



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