Whether it’s summer and the sun is out, or you’re enjoying the cooler winter months, families around the world are preparing for school holidays. These weeks with the kids at home are perfect for some family time together - and there are plenty of ways in which you can keep them learning even while having fun.
So why not take this time to plant the seeds for good lifelong habits? Saving 1/3 is at the top of our list, because of its added benefits of inspiring more sustainable choices overall as well as promoting a healthier planet. We’ve put together three hands-on activities to keep your kids engaged for hours, while starting them on their Save 1/3 journey.
1. Regrow vegetables

Food scraps have so much more to give, and in this case, all it takes is water, soil and sunlight. With patience, your kids will be fascinated at how odd bits and pieces from colourful vegetables can regrow into more food for the family. And when you think of the money you’ll save by growing your own food this really is win-win!
Green onions are a good choice to ease your child into the process, as this vegetable’s roots can regrow in a simple glass of water. Remember to cut them about an inch from the roots, and let time do the rest!
Similarly beginner-friendly, Romaine lettuce regrows when you keep it in a bowl with water. Fill the water halfway and add in the stump of the lettuce. After a few days, the leaves will regrow, ready for you to eat.
Lastly, why not help your child to care for a mini herb garden? Simply cut away 2-3 inches of stems and place them upright in a glass of water. When new roots start to show, then you can transfer the herbs into a pot of soil to continue growing.
2. DIY composting

Recycling is always encouraged, especially where kitchen scraps are concerned. Get your kids involved in creating ‘black gold’ or compost, a nutrient-rich fertiliser that is guaranteed to make your garden flourish. Through this ongoing process, the little ones can gain a better understanding of the concept of recycling.
If starting from scratch, you’ll need to choose an appropriate container (any plastic bin will do), as well as ‘browns’ or biodegradable carbon materials such as newspapers and cereal boxes, which ensure compost doesn’t start to smell bad. At the same time, start to accumulate your kitchen scraps. They make up the ‘greens’, which contain nitrogen that encourages the composting process once they are mixed with a little soil and the ‘browns’. Warmth is also a requirement for best results, usually facilitated by having thick layers of newspapers to line your container, unless you live in a hot climate!
DIY composting does take a little research, but it’s a rewarding process and a meaningful bonding activity to get the whole family involved.
3. Broth from food scraps

How about using the holidays to teach your kids valuable culinary skills. Collecting food scraps is a simple task with flavoursome results. Keep a large bag of veggie scraps in your freezer, such as peelings, mushroom stems and carrot ends. When the bag is full, you and your child can then create a nourishing broth by simply pouring the contents into a pot and letting it simmer with water.
There are many ways to get your child thinking about sustainable habits, and they can be just as fun as other types of play! Their first steps on their save 1/3 journey may start small, but they go a long way in building a happier planet. Which sustainable activity are you planning to try in the coming months?